An Online Jewelry Auction supporting Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio.
An Online Jewelry Auction supporting Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio.
Keeping Families Close
For more than three decades, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio (RMHC) has been keeping families close at the Columbus Ronald McDonald House. From our beginnings as a grassroots movement established by a partnership between volunteers and local McDonald’s Owner/Operators, our charity has served thousands of families in their deepest times of need.
With 137 guest rooms, the Columbus Ronald McDonald House is the largest in the world! Every night, hundreds of moms, dads, brothers and sisters stay with us in the House, only steps away from Nationwide Children’s Hospital. What we are able to provide at the Ronald McDonald House is a bit of stability in the midst of challenging times. Families can make the House their home-away-from-home for as long as their child is being treated in the hospital.
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